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Extended Studies Program (Gifted and Talented)

“Gifted and talented” children refers to those children in grades K-12 who have the potential to excel beyond their age peers in the regular school program. These students may receive specialized instruction to broaden their critical thinking, reading, writing, mathematical and problem-solving skills in one or more of the following categories:

  • Intellectual Ability as demonstrated by significant achievement, or potential for significant achievement, above their age peers in one or more academic areas;
  • Artistic Ability as demonstrated by significant achievement, or potential for significant achievement, above their age peers in the performing and/or visual arts.

Program Description

In Lake Region schools, gifted and talented students are serviced through the Extended Studies Program. The Extended Studies Program follows the District curriculum guidelines. The curriculum is extended for students by eliminating the repetition of previously mastered material, upgrading the challenge level of the regular curriculum, and providing the opportunity for appropriate enrichment and acceleration activities as well as ensuring mastery of basic skills.

The program also focuses on the social and emotional needs of gifted and talented students and helps them in relating to and functioning successfully with both age and intellectual peers.

The Extended Studies Program provides classroom teachers with the resources and consultation necessary to meet the needs of gifted students in the regular classroom.

Student Outcomes

  • Recognizes their unique abilities as a gifted individual while becoming self-directed.

  • Works at their own level and pace beyond traditional age and or grade parameters.

  • Works in-depth with self-selected topics in an area of study with emphasis on advanced research skills and methods beyond traditional and or grade parameters.

  • Develops and extends complex, abstract, and higher-level thinking skills beyond traditional and or grade parameters.

  • Develops products that challenge ideas and produce new ideas.

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